Thursday, August 27, 2009
0 comments @ 4:56 PM

Have you seen reflections, emotions in the others eyes?
Have you stared love in the face, seen it in the eyes?
Have you seen love die in those same eyes?
Seen all that hope, how it is gone, how it just dies?
Have you felt what it feels when love dies? To be left alone?
Have you felt when world falls around you? How you are there alone?
Is there life after that? Is there anything after that pain,
anything after you seen that? After your life has gone in the drain...
I see nothing, all is just gone, drown in my pain, gone for vain...
I have no reason to live, I have felt my soul to die, my soul to be slain...
My life is so useless, worthless, meant nothing to the other, like a love,
it was just there to die and be gone, my love meant nothing, just gone...

I would want to live longer...

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