Wednesday, September 30, 2009
0 comments @ 9:35 PM

It stalks the night

It stalks the day

It seeks out life

And whisks it away

It's known as death

And other things too

But it's all the same

What matters is you.

How do you see it?

What does it mean?

It's best if you know

For death is unseen.

It can take you at day

It can take you at night

Knowing death well

Can lend you some light

The passage to death

Is always unclear

And it's best to know

That you're very near.

For death is at hand

It is for us all

Know it's face well

So you don't stumble and fall

Now think hard on death

And know that it's near

And the meaning of life

Will be all to clear

And that is to live

For your hearts desire

Not to stumble or fall

But to burn with a fire.

A fire for life

To live for each day

To reach for your dreams

No matter what people say

Life is a question

And death holds a clue

Reach not for the answer

For your life's not due

Live for the moment

And die for it too

For it's the moment that counts

It, and you

Now I'm all done

I've said what I'll say

Just remember one thing

Live for the day!

I would want to live longer...

♠ L Desu

All about yourself...

♠ Sweeties

Likes over here

♠ Non-Sweeties

All that you dislike

♠ Dreamer

Any wishes?

♠ F.B.I


♠ Reminiscence

..August 2009

..September 2009

..October 2009

..November 2009

..December 2009

..January 2010

..February 2010

..March 2010

..April 2010

..May 2010

..September 2012

..November 2015

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Designer - LiTtL3 aH mA
Hoster - Photobucket

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