Wednesday, September 30, 2009
0 comments @ 11:38 PM

So tell me it’ll be alright.
Tell me I’ll make it through the night.
Tell me I can live my life.
Without any pain or any strife.
Tell me things can only get better from here.
Tell me I’ll never have to shed another tear.
Your words are empty as they fall on my ear.
But your empty words are all I want to hear.
At the end of the day.
When nothing has gone my way.
When I try to be strong.
While everything is wrong.
When I sit and cry.
Just tell me a little white lie.
Tell me everything will be fine.
Tell me it’ll all be okay.
As my nerves begin to fray.
When I feel all alone.
And I’m trapped in this cone.
This cone of self-hatred and self-harm.
Try to sway me with your charm.
Your words might be empty, but they are what I want to hear.
I need someone behind me who will give me a little cheer.
Just whisper sweet nothings into my ear.
Because your empty words are all I want to hear

I would want to live longer...

♠ L Desu

All about yourself...

♠ Sweeties

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♠ Non-Sweeties

All that you dislike

♠ Dreamer

Any wishes?

♠ F.B.I


♠ Reminiscence

..August 2009

..September 2009

..October 2009

..November 2009

..December 2009

..January 2010

..February 2010

..March 2010

..April 2010

..May 2010

..September 2012

..November 2015

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♠ Credits

Designer - LiTtL3 aH mA
Hoster - Photobucket

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