Monday, October 26, 2009
The hate I feel inside,
Is ready to come out,
But I must not let it,
I hate how people think they know me,
I hate how people think they understand me,
I hate how they lie to me,
I hate how I have to hide my tears,
I hate how I keep everything inside,
I hate how I lie to everyone,
I hate how nobody knows me,
I hate how I have to keep my life a secret,
I hate how I can't trust anyone,
I hate how this world goes around,
And each day people are suffering,
I hate how I feel,
I hate how there are people starving,
I hate who I am,
I hate how I am,
I hate how my life is a fake,
I hate how I am a fake,
A liar,
I hate how I'm sitting here now,
And writing all this,
For others to see,
Yet the people I know will never know who I am,
Because they would not understand,
I hate how they say they will,
When we all know they wouldn't,
I am burning with hate,
Hate that I know will not go away,
Not even as I write,
This hate beyond anything I have ever felt,
Hate that I must hide,
For they would not understand why I have so much hate inside,
And that I feel like screaming,
Until I can get all out,
The tears that I hide,
Also come from the hate that I feel,
And this hate that is aching to come out,
To show its ugly face,
Upon this world,
And I cannot let that happen,
But as each day goes by my hate grows more and more each day,
The hate I feel inside,
Is ready to come out,
But I must not let it,
Not yet
I would want to live longer...