Monday, December 21, 2009
Don't know what’s going on
I thought I was fine
But I guess nothing’s over
It’s time to be jolly
To laugh, love and play
I'm just crying
I just want to die
My friends.....
I don't know them anymore
My parents... hate me
I look in the mirror
And despise all that is me
I mean, c’mon
I'm writing a lame, self-pitying poem
I'm not worth it anymore
I don't expect anyone to read this
No one’s going to turn to me
And offer a helping hand
Truthfully it doesn’t matter
One day I’ll be dead
Then you don't have to bother
With my self-centred drivel
I would say sorry to my friends
If I believed that they care
Quite frankly I can’t deal
With their bullshit anymore
Everyone said you have to open up
Tell people how you feel
Well I did, my friends
I told them I was ready to die
Suicide note, razor and all
They clearly don't know me
Because the next day
I lie; I say I'm fine
They actually believe me
I just fucking told them
I wanted to commit suicide
And they think it’s all gone
Just like that... I wish
But it doesn’t work like that
It’s going to be with me, forever
According to them
I'm a bad person
Because I'm shy and
I have low self-esteem
So I'm clearly not worthy
Of their fucking acquaintance
It’s not my bloody fault
Just look at me
Read this pile-of-shit poem
I can’t keep lying
I try... I know, hard to believe right?
I smile for them lie for them
We all do don’t we?
And it’s all my fault
It’s always my fucking fault
So you know what
Why don't I just leave?
Make it easier for y’all
Nobody going to miss me
I wouldn’t, if I were them
My parents wont mind either
I'm the failure of the family
Why not really?
But, shall I wait till after Year ends?
So they can enjoy this festive season
Yes, I should. Wouldn’t want to ruin
Their afternoon tea and cake now would I?
That’s settled then I'm going to kill myself
Can anybody give me a reason not to?
No. Didn’t think so
And now the lights will go out
Good night…
I would want to live longer...