Tuesday, January 26, 2010
0 comments @ 11:24 AM

Do you know what I think are the silliest mistakes that anyone could ever do?

Hanging on to thin air, trying to grab on to something that can barely hold itself up!

Trying to fix what has been broken...

Fighting for something/someone that is not even yours….

Assuming that if you are good others will return the favor eventually…

Believing empty words and hollow promises…

Opening up to everyone at any time thinking that they would empathize…

Caring too much…

Giving more than you could ever get in return…

Changing who you are for someone…

Escaping the harsh reality…

Living in "your own perfect world" when the world outside is anything but perfect!

Hoping when your hopes are built on nothing solid!

Allowing yourself to need others…

Putting your guard down and trusting completely…

Loving with all your heart while negating your mind…

Hurting others and forgetting that what goes around must for sure come around!

Thinking that people can and will change for you…

I guess all I'm trying to say is what I feel at the moment:

I'm so angry!

I would want to live longer...

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