Tuesday, March 2, 2010
0 comments @ 1:19 PM

                                               Fear is My Name

The wind blows death across my feet

the howling of the trees

A scent just like humidity

reaching one hundred six degrees

Barren edge cuts as a knife

unfolds the forest down below

Awaiting sorrows solitude

a death that no one else can know

Nostrils flared with sunken eyes

sleep eludes me now for days

Ground bludgeoned from the hell before

I walk the burning haze

The silence here quite deafening

as the sweat pours down my skin

I fear no evil in these woods

but fear the evil kept deep within

Betraying all humanity

my heart and soul have turned to dust

Tears have long since died away

leaving sunken trails of rust

Nefarious my thoughts and deeds

a blunt deception of all mankind

With barbed tongue I spoke the words

and left them deaf and blind

Even the wicked abhor my name

all others just call me fear

Alone I’ve ruled for centuries

and once again I’ve reappeared

To walk this final battleground

where only the silence rules the day

In ruins combatants strewn these fields

no graves for them to lay

This war of hatred their demise

they’ve followed blindly just as sheep

Fighting me with all their might

only to watch the masses reaped

Millennia of waging wars

without a noble cause had they to win

Payment rendered in full today

suffering now for all their sins

Blow the stench of malevolence

to every nation far and wide

From me you’ll find no way to win

and no where you can hide

I would want to live longer...

♠ L Desu

All about yourself...

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All that you dislike

♠ Dreamer

Any wishes?

♠ F.B.I


♠ Reminiscence

..August 2009

..September 2009

..October 2009

..November 2009

..December 2009

..January 2010

..February 2010

..March 2010

..April 2010

..May 2010

..September 2012

..November 2015

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♠ Credits

Designer - LiTtL3 aH mA
Hoster - Photobucket

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