Tuesday, March 16, 2010
0 comments @ 10:52 PM

tonight is the night

tomorrow is the morning i won't see

cause nothing ever turns out right

i guess it's just my destiny

did you ever notice how bright that lamp is?

im just waiting for a girl who's not so vibrant

that she plans to shine her light across the campus

you could call me picky or a tyrant

but girls aren't made of sugar and spice

and everything thats sweet and nice

they are made up of vanity and lies

that and a bedroom full of interchangeable guys

tonight is the night

tomorrow is the morning i wont see

cause nothing ever turns out right

i guess its just my destiny

and this "help!" is not a pity cry

it's just my life's hand waving goodbye

today i learned that no one will miss me tomorrow

every second of every day is only sorrow

how i can believe that one day the truth will come

is just as certain as wether or not i can keep the beat with the drum

so when it's all said and finally done

at my wake, i expect the mourning of only one

myself, for not living the life i was handed

i pushed every palm away and took every moment for granted

I would want to live longer...

♠ L Desu

All about yourself...

♠ Sweeties

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♠ Non-Sweeties

All that you dislike

♠ Dreamer

Any wishes?

♠ F.B.I


♠ Reminiscence

..August 2009

..September 2009

..October 2009

..November 2009

..December 2009

..January 2010

..February 2010

..March 2010

..April 2010

..May 2010

..September 2012

..November 2015

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Designer - LiTtL3 aH mA
Hoster - Photobucket

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