Wednesday, November 4, 2015
0 comments @ 5:15 PM

I fell asleep smiling, I woke up in a trance

Beautifully haunted by a conflicting romance

The constellations painting the night fall into her lies

Contradictive affection, innocence I despise

There’s a unique tranquility wrapped around me

Pulling me into its bottomless sea

Just another figment of his imagination, another goodbye

Falling through the cracks of sweetness, good intention gone awry

I dreamt of suicide yesterday; today I don’t want to die any less

But still, I am smiling, to my heart’s content

It beats without breaking, it bleeds without aching

Another ironic melody

There’s nothing worth saving, she’s all that you’re hating

Even if you wanted to help, there’s nothing left of me.

I fell asleep with the knife in hand, I fell asleep crying

But when I awoke the knife was gone; I found myself smiling

Because I know, the celestial gate of my dreams is approaching

Only one more day of this agonizing pain, only one more day of loathing

I’m sick of the truth, I’m sick of the lies

I’m sick of the smiles, I’m sick of the cries

I’m sick of the darkness, I’m sick of the light

I’m sick of what’s wrong, I’m sick of what’s right

I’m taking myself away into the night

Forever never seemed so close

Just another silly fantasy where innocence is despised

That's diminishing along with the falling snow

I fell asleep smiling, I woke up in a trance

You wanted to survive? This is your last chance...

I would want to live longer...

♠ L Desu

All about yourself...

♠ Sweeties

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♠ Non-Sweeties

All that you dislike

♠ Dreamer

Any wishes?

♠ F.B.I


♠ Reminiscence

..August 2009

..September 2009

..October 2009

..November 2009

..December 2009

..January 2010

..February 2010

..March 2010

..April 2010

..May 2010

..September 2012

..November 2015

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♠ Credits

Designer - LiTtL3 aH mA
Hoster - Photobucket

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