Wednesday, November 4, 2015
*I’ve sadly created a hologram disaster of little hundred alien secrets. They are taken over and I can feel my mind being over flooded. I’m a wicked scientist, mixing up evil potions of disastrous imaginings of distrust. Struggling to keep the bomb from exploding, spilling out centuries of obscure secrets and ripping my cover, I need to destroy the bomb magnet that’s been pulling more new victims of self-destruct. And free I’ll be from this game of torture.*
No it can’t be found out
My joy! My creation! In my heart I shout
Yea, it tortures my mind when it is being tampered with
Now I have to be careful and think swift
It’s my game and I only know the rules
Master of disguise will trick these fools
Leave the merchandise alone
It’s a master piece, an art of disaster, my personal clone
But since you’ve come too close you are in trouble
A mixture of chocolate bombs of hate rolled into a double
It’s my fault I’ve mixed you in with sweet cherries and making my desire rumble
Now you’ve become molded, the cook must throw you away
You are nothing but useless clay
This is my dream, my image, my snare
It’s time for a revenge from my secret nightmare
I would want to live longer...